14 June 2010


So I have this good friend who swears up and down that he was the first person to use that 'word'.


How can he claim that? I did a web search for the word, and the odd thing is, I can't find any earlier references to it than the early mid-90s... so I guess it is possible he did start it. Possible. But not likely. Just don't tell S.W. that.

In any case, that three letter word fits my mood about now.

Lean closer to the screen, dear reader... I'm about to share a bit of the 'inside scoop on my writing style. It's very 'in the moment' to begin with. Often times when I write, I just let it pour out with very little self-censorship. When it happens like that, when the words just flow as if they have a will of their own, I'm often satisfied with what I have written and I consider the piece 'done.'

Other times, I have to work at it. As if it were a stubborn pack mule, I have to push, pull, prod, cajole, beg or plead the words to come out. There is a point that I realize that it is a lost cause, and that I will have to come back another day to see what there is to learn about myself and the world around me through my writing. These times are painfully obvious because what is on the screen or on the page is so obviously forced that I can't bear to even look at it again, much less try to form it into something I'd want others to read.

So as I sit here on this rainy June day, I felt an urge to write. One of the things about writing I enjoy is the process of getting started. Frequently, the way I get started is to put a word or a phrase in the title that gets my brain working. It's almost summer time! Usually associated with happiness and squeals of joy at the pool or at the park... today, the word that came to mind?


Ok, granted... I'm writing this from work. In a job I am grateful to have, but not particularly happy to be at right now. So that could be part of the causative force behind my underwhelming outlook right now.